Strong, caring communities. Enough food for everyone. A healthy planet. Lives filled with meaning.

This is the kind of world we all want.

So why don't we build it?

What's the plan?

We have to view the world as it is - made up of complicated, connected systems: A planet in crisis. A failing economy. A divided society. Broken party politics.

This is the story of the world today and nobody (apart from the 1% at the top) benefits from keeping it this way. No ordinary person wants corrupt leaders, crop failures or the culture war and, to put it simply, there are more of us than there are of them. So…

Broken party politics, Divided society, Failing Economy, Planet in crisis

The big answer

...we propose a new story. In this version, the 99% works through our differences and chooses to put all our wisdom, knowledge, love and technology to use. We choose to construct better systems, ones that build us up rather than keep us down.

A healthy earth. A Solidarity Economy. Strong communities. Local democracy.

People’s Assemblies are a simple tool that will change everything. Public meetings, happening everywhere, replacing party politics with people power. Read more here →

Healthy earth, Local democracy, Solidarity Economy, Strong Community
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Want to be part of something bigger?

If you want to make the world a better place, leaving us your phone number is the easiest way to make a difference. In a short call we’ll answer your questions and find your place in the movement. Join hundreds of local people, working together, today.

How We Work

We start local, work with what we've got already (which in Hull, is a LOT), experiment all the time, and learn from each other. 

The good news is, we're not starting from scratch and we're not alone! This stuff is already working all over the world. We've borrowed ideas and tools all the way from Mississippi (Cooperation Jackson) to the Middle East (Rojava) and the East Riding.

Find out more about our tools →
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What's happening next?

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24 Feb

Facilitation Training

Learn how to facilitate a People's Assembly! Anyone can be a facilitator. You'll learn active listening skills, how to handle conflict and how to make sure everyone is heard. 6:30 - 7:45pm @ The Queens, HU5


19 Feb

Media Literacy Training

Learn how to make sense of the topsy turvy information served to you by all the different medias. 6 - 8pm at Ground on Bev Rd.


28 Jan

waffle guys and kids


WAFFLE IS BACK! Pay-what-you-feel belter scran. 4:30 - 7pm at the Lonsdale Centre off Anlaby Road.
