21 years in prison for attending a zoom call... is this democracy?

On Thursday, Judge Christopher Hehir sentenced five people to between 4 and 5 years behind bars for attending a zoom call planning a non-violent protest against the government for granting new oil and gas licences. Do you think this is fair?

The judge gagged the protesters in court from talking about the reasons why they acted in the first place. He instructed the jury to find them guilty, and they did. Professor Bill McGuire, who provided expert testimony on behalf of the protesters in court, called the trial an “assault on free speech”. A UN special rapporteur, who came to witness the trial, said it should “put all of us on high alert on the state of civil rights and freedoms in the United Kingdom”.

In handing down his verdict, Judge Hehir said that he “doesn't care what anyone thinks of him” because he is “just doing his job”. Impartial justice is essential to a free society. But Just Stop Oil argue that breaking the law is necessary to prevent a much greater crime being committed by corporations and the government.

Many people don't like Just Stop Oil’s tactics, but that doesn't mean they deserve to suffer for years in Britain's nightmare prison system. We should never become comfortable with authoritarian state cruelty. If the government has the power to lock up anyone who dares to oppose their policies, we are not really free. If they can do it to Cressida Gethin, they can do it to you.

In our welcome talk, we tell the story of a very similar trial with a very different outcome. The protesters were allowed to tell the truth, the jury was given all the facts, and they delivered a unanimous not guilty verdict. We believe this is the power of real democracy. When crucial information about the reasons why people take direct action is not withheld, juries side with crusty protesters over massive oil companies every time.

Our prison system is a form of violence against society. It increases rates of addiction, suicide, and reoffending. 97% of rapes do not even end in conviction, nevermind jail time. Meanwhile, thousands of people are servicing harsh sentences for non-violent offences. Overcrowding means that many prisoners are not allowed to leave their cells to exercise, get fresh air, or borrow a book from the library.

Whether it's a people's assembly or a jury or a parliament, democracy isn't just guaranteed. We have to fight for it, and build it, and guard against its corruption — every day. Whether you care about climate or Covid, Brexit or Gaza, a democracy is nothing without the right to protest or the right to a fair trial.

"We can only save ourselves through a political revolution which puts ordinary people in power through assemblies – not because 'it will work,' but because it is the right thing to do." ~ Roger Hallam, serving 5 years in prison

Maybe this is the moment you decided to get involved with the struggle for a grassroots democracy. You can watch our introduction talk “The Revolution starts in Hull” on our YouTube channel, and support the #WholeTruthFive by signing this petition.

23 July 2024

By Cooperation Hull